Daily Archives July 27, 2005

New research shows that a single, optimistic college adviser can propel legions of low-income high school students to higher education. Thomas described his research Monday at the annual meeting of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, in New York City. Thomas is studying the efficacy of policies that seek to make college available in various cultural and socioeconomic…

Shane Green from the Age writes: A new definition of public education may allow non-government schools to operate as public schools. Private schools would be invited into a new-look, broader public education system, under a radical plan being discussed by Victoria's education community. The independent Education Foundation has produced a paper proposing a new definition of public education, allowing non-government…

As has been reported in May , the CRLLEN has been successful in securing 0.248 Million from the Federal Government's Community Based Demand Aggregation Broker Programme. The project is a joint partnership between the Macedon Ranges, Mitchell and Murrindindi Shires. Macedon Ranges Shire will be the lead agent. The project is the Central Ranges Community Based Demand Aggregation Broker. The…

This would be good, we just need it state and nation-wide and ALL government sectors... See: http://www.centralrangesllen.org.au/communitybroadband Pilot projects have been commissioned to investigate the possibilities of e-learning across broadband and the development of a nationally linked vocational education and training (VET) system. The Access to Bandwidth Project, an initiative of the 2005 Australian Flexible Learning Framework, is working towards a…
