I remember when a Pilot named Gary Powers became world news, along with his very very very secretive spy-plane.

Now in 2009, we can just spot a spy plane from our home computer….


U2 in Flight in Google Earth
Sometimes the satellite images Google acquires happen to capture some really unique sight. This one is really awesome for those of us who try to find planes captured in flight in Google Earth: A U-2 Spyplane flying over Kuwait! This one was found by plane aficionado ‘Delta102‘ of the Google Earth Community. He’s found many other planes in Google Earth, but this is one of the best. NOTE: the orange colored ‘shadow’ to the upper left is actually an artifact of the satellite cameras which is caused by the plane’s motion. You see this in GE with planes and cars (the further away, the faster the object).

Other unique planes captured in flight:

By Frank Taylor of Google Earth Blog. [Google Earth Blog]

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