Early last month W I R E D magazine published a piece called: The Creepy Collective Behavior of Boston Dynamics’ New Robot Dog Author NEEL V. PATEL notes the "creepy" part: around the 1:20 mark, when a pair of Spots begin trekking up a hill. Spot Number One starts repeatedly colliding into Spot Number Two—and neither loses balance. After a few seconds and…
Monthly Archives March 2015
There are moments in history that require capability, vision, skills and will. Amaero Engineering recently demonstrated an additive manufacturing process at the Avalon Airshow that gives us [Australia] the capability to manufacture complex metallic components by laser-based additive manufacturing - 3D printing. In a global-first, they have created a Jet-Engine using a 3-D printer. This is a partnership between Monash University…
"I want to see the sea." Just 10% of the Aral Sea remains http://t.co/x4f7bMzMlm #BBCRicherWorld pic.twitter.com/pNxdT3zSeK — BBC World Service (@bbcworldservice) February 28, 2015