Office Lights - Is anybody home?

The Victorian Auditor- General has published the interim report examining strategies for delivering services online via digital devices.

Phase one of this audit specifically reviewed the Victorian Government ICT Governance Framework and the delivery of the Victorian Government Digital Strategy (Digital Strategy).

[ICT Governance Framework. Source Auditor General]

Phase two of this audit will be tabled at a later date and will examine service delivery implementation and monitoring and evaluation of service delivery at the department/agency level.

In a nut-shell, the interim report suggests a “Yeah…Nah”… moment.

We found that a coordinated and effective whole-of-public-sector approach to digital service delivery has yet to be achieved due to weak strategic leadership and ownership of whole-of-public-sector ICT governance. This issue was further exacerbated by the ineffective coordination and implementation of the Digital Strategy, weak monitoring and accountability mechanisms and ineffective digital engagement to drive digital readiness.

Without comprehensive and urgent actions to address these governance arrangements and ownership issues, this instability will continue to undermine the establishment of any well-coordinated and integrated approach to delivering public services online effectively and efficiently.

Of note is the summary of findings

  • Weak strategic leadership and ownership of the whole-of-public sector ICT governance
  • Ineffective coordination of digital strategy
  • and ineffective drive to engage digital readiness.

Clearly, some work still to do for Victoria.


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