Posts By Me

A recent tweet from the NTEU ACT Division (@NTEUACT) Australia has 2nd highest level of insecure work in OECD - after Spain. We know that we are approaching 40% of the workforce undertaking insecure work. *Source: Lives on Hold - Unlocking the potential of Australia's workforce. We also hear much about "skills shortages" and the need for "flexibility", yet the…

Food for thought..   Links: Frans de Waal -  Dutch primatologist and ethologist Google Scholar - Teachers and Performance Pay Google Scholar - Does performance pay for teachers work? Debating the merits of merit pay - Andrew Leigh

Those interested in evidence-based-planning or frankly, any form of rationale decision-making, will find much to interest them in the work of Nate Silver. The Business Insider reports: With Obama being declared the winner by the networks, it looks possible that Nate Silver's map will be perfect, all 50 states called correctly. Not certain yet, but really, an epic followup to 2008.…

Rowan Atkinson's spirited, elegant and appropriately funny defence of free speech and the role of the law when offence and Insult is criminalised. Thanks to @buckingham_j for the link. Links: Reform Section 5 [United Kingdom] Victims of section 5

At a time when Gender equity is so prominent in much media coverage, both within Australia and across the Globe, it is also sobering to consider the structural challenges faced by girls entering the workforce and adult-hood for the first time here in Victoria. This graph shows Vet is Schools [VETiS] enrolments for Girls as a ratio of the Boys…

Vale Chris Cox. A friend and colleague passed away recently. Her funeral filled the local church, spilling from the facade in to the courtyard and beyond. Many came from great distances to pay tribute to her and remember her life. The number of those assembled was a very fitting tribute. Chris worked tirelessly for the young people in the region.…

The next time some-one, particularly a Politician, suggests climate anomalies and surface warming is not a [the] critical policy challenge of our time, ask them if they would bet their house or their life on tossing a coin 330 times and getting the same result? The average global temperature across land and oceans during August 2012 was 0.62°C (1.12°F) above…

We shouldn't have to! It appears from contact with family and colleagues at what appears to be the largest state-wide teacher stop-work action ever held in Melbourne, Australia today, we are still very much in the cycle of  what I like to call "retail economics and policy planning". It is sad to see such limited public debate about what is…
