Posts By Me

A colleague of mine, Jon Mason. A chapter in Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques by Jon Mason. This chapter focuses on the growing importance of e-learning as knowledge scaffolding, the emerging significance of knowledge management practice in informing strategic directions for the development of e-learning systems. Link: From e-learning to e-knowledge.

Sigh... Teachers in Victorian public schools will be given the legal right to discuss religion in the classroom, in a historic modification of legislation governing the state's secular education system. The Government intends to change the Education Act to recognise that teachers at senior levels already discuss religion when it is relevant to an area of study, giving the example…

Easypodcast is a free software tool for easy podcast publication. Podcasting is making audio files (most commonly in MP3 format) available online in a way that allows software to automatically download the files for listening at the user's convenience. Link: Easy Podcast.

Google print is a search engine that allows users to search for books whose content contains a match for your search terms.  Link: Google print.

CNN: Tech will cause a real estate crash. Given the nature of real estate, he warned that even a drop in demand by 20 percent could cause prices to be cut in half. Nielsen said that technology would make it ever more attractive to live in small towns and rural areas, which would undermine many of the advantages currently held…

This NCVER report is about employers and how they value and use qualifications in their business decisions. The research indicates clear differences in the value placed on and use made of qualifications by employers for different groups of workers and occupations. Qualifications are considered more important for higher-level occupations and employers use them predominantly to recruit new employees and to…

Fierce domestic competition and a faster accumulation of financial assets are laying the groundwork for the arc of China's rise to be far greater than Japan's. By KEITH BRADSHER. Link: China Economy Rising at Pace to Rival U.S..

Learning in an online world: the school education action plan for the information economy Progress report 2004 was published by Ministerial Council for Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA). This progress report provides a national overview and a summary of key achievements in the development of infrastructure in each jurisdiction and highlights progress in the key action areas of…

Internet file-sharing services should not get a free pass for bad behavior, the Supreme Court ruled today. By LORNE MANLY. Court Rules File-Sharing Networks Can Be Held Liable for Illegal Use.
