Spending stimulus. It is commonplace to read in the newspapers and elsewhere that spending more this Christmas is a good thing. The theory is an old one: if I spend $1, that dollar goes into the pockets of some business who pays their employees and suppliers who then spend part of that dollar continuing a virtuous cycle until it peters…
Posts By Me
Skilling Australia: our apprenticeship challenge. Why do half of all apprentices fail to complete their training? For a start, there's the issue of pay: with earnings just a fraction above the dole, ... [Central Ranges LLEN News]
“Clueless in America”. Still digging through my stack of reading that I neglected, and this Bob Herbert column from the Times last week bubbled up. An American kid drops out of high school every 26 seconds. That[base ']Äôs more than a million every year, a sign of big trouble for these largely clueless youngsters in an era in which a…
Global economy to contract in 'severe' 2009 recession: banking group. Au.biz.yahoo.com - Fri Dec 19, 10:46 am GMT [News4Sites - Australia Economy]
Trade in emissions permits is a good thing. Tim Colebatch gives us an apparent scoop in The Age: we won’t reduce emissions by 5% by 2020. Treasury modelling estimates that even with a cleaner, more effective model than the one now adopted, Australia’s emissions in 2020 would rise 5.8 per cent above 2000 levels. We would pump out more emissions…
Alps Ski Information Layer in Google Earth. Over the weekend (I think) Google released a new layer under the Gallery->Travel & Tourism layer folder called "Ski Resorts in the Alps". The new layer was done by BergFex which provides ski information and reservation services. The new layer contains maps, current ski/snow conditions, and links to further descriptions, prices, lodging, and…
A report to the Council of Australian Governments. Drawing on public submissions to its discussion paper, Australia's Future Infrastructure Requirements, this paper examines the national and local challenges for the provision of improved economic infrastructure. [Creative Economy : Reports]
Digital economy future directions paper. This paper aims to identify the themes and suggestions that will inform the action plan of the forthcoming future directions paper for Australia's digital economy. [Creative Economy : Reports]
Toyota Expects to Post Operating Loss. In a sign of how the global economic crisis is hurting even the mightiest carmakers, Toyota said it will lose money in its core automaking business for the first time in 70 years. [NYT > Home Page]