Category Archives Networking

John Podesta Emails

The MIT Media Lab Macro Connections group, has done some stella work on visualising network associations over their time. You should visit the Global Language Network or the Human Development Index Tree [2010] They build tools to transform data into stories. The Clinton Circle, maps emails from Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and the DNC in the United States.. Certainly topical! The data…

The World Wide Web

Those of us over thirty years of age, may have lived the majority of our lives without the World Wide Web, yet I imagine it is increasingly more difficult to remember what that was like. Perhaps more significantly, those under thirty have only lived with the World Wide Web. 25 years ago, the first website was launched. A simple announcement in a…

No Hawkers

I remember when just a sign on your door was enough.... SMEs and NFPs take note! Ever had someone knock on your door 4000+ thousand times a day? Source of Hack attempts

The telegeography group do some great maps. These two remind us of the very tenuous links that are in fact the basis of all of Australia's modern communication and much of its commerce. A 'new" ancient map As much economic and perhaps cultural connections too. The VOX published a great piece earlier last month relating the modern cables to…

The growing "two-tier" approach in public policy is no more evident than in the debate around Net Neutrality. John Oliver once again.

  The link of the first URL is active again: Background British physicist Tim Berners-Lee invented the web at CERN in 1989. The project, which Berners-Lee named "World Wide Web", was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for information sharing between physicists in universities and institutes around the world. On April 30, 1993, the European Organisation for…

It was 1965 when Mick Jagger and Keith Richards penned the words to "Get off of my Cloud". I have no doubt that Mat Honan, a senior writer at Gadget Lab shares precisely the same sentiment [although perhaps] for very different reasons. I would encourage all of my clients, friends and colleagues to take a few minutes to read Mat's story...…

A new report, released in September of this year, conducted jointly by Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERIC), Arthur D. Little and Chalmers University of Technology in 33 OECD countries, quantifies the isolated impact of broadband speed, showing that doubling the broadband speed for an economy increases GDP by 0.3%. A 0.3 percent GDP growth in the OECD region is equivalent to USD 126…
