Category Archives Economics

Joyce rejoices at biofuel backing. NATIONALS senator Barnaby Joyce said he was encouraged by reports senior Government ministers were trying to fast-track Australia's biodiesel industry. By AAP. [Herald Sun | Breaking News]

More and more parents are willing to make big sacrifices to send their children to private schools. And the schools are coming up with ways to help them pay. David Rood and Chee Chee Leung explain how - and why - they do it. Link: Average income, private school.

Kenneth Davidson reflects on the State Government's use of PPP's IT IS clear that the Bracks Government is softening up public opinion for the introduction of private funding for government schools and TAFEs, as well as other public infrastructure — even though the Government has yet to show how this form of funding offers value for money to Victorian taxpayers.…

Brumby says Vic economy is performing well despite growth figures. Victoria's Treasurer John Brumby says the state's economy is continuing to perform well, despite new figures showing it is lagging behind other states. [ABC News: Business Stories]
