Category Archives Skills and Training

More Australians seeking qualifications. More Australians have been seeking higher educational qualifications, with the largest increase being in Bachelor Degrees, according to figures recently released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Nearly 2.5 million people (18% of all Australians aged 15-64) were enrolled in a course of study as at May 2007. The proportion with a non-school qualification (such as…

Structurally, this has been coming for a while and I can see some value in this if it is done correctly. There are dangers however, most notably in setting a price hurdle that will stop many from undertaking the very skills path they need because the risk/reward equation of deferred loans in this sector will be based on a lower…

the future of the organisation lies in working with local corporations to create unique training courses.

Head of TAFE Tasmania

Business in the Community. [Link removed] The CRLLEN participated in an interesting, thought provoking and valuable forum session today, staged by the Victorian Office of Learning and Teaching, with guest David Grayson, CBE. The forum explored the relationships between schools and business with a focus on corporate social responsibility. David is part-time director of Business in the Community (BITC) which…

NCVER releases latest apprentice and trainee statistics. December 2006 quarter apprentice and trainee statistics for the Australian vocational education and training system are now available on the NCVER web site. [Adult Community Education Headlines]

Merit, yes... Although assumptions about future returns are predicated on current labour-force structures? The debt/liability is permanent!  Jobs... not so much? HECS for TAFE: the case for extending income contingent loans. In this paper, a case is argued for introducing an income contingent loan to the VET sector. The economic underpinning is similar to the Higher Education Scheme (HECS) which…

The number of people employed in Queensland's mining industry is increasing at a rapid rate. Link: Job numbers soar in Qld's mining industry: ABS. [Source: ABC News: Business Stories]

The knowledge drought intensifies. Australia’s advancement as a society will continue to be hampered by our poor esteem for knowledge. [Source: On Line Opinion]

    Ross Gittins, writing in The Age asserts: OUR miracle economy is running out of spark. The rapid productivity improvement of the 1990s has not continued into the noughties. Between 1998 and 2004, growth in multi-factor productivity dropped to a below-trend 1 per cent a year, compared with 2.1 per cent during the 1993 to 1998 growth cycle.  …
