Category Archives Government

Transmission Tower

Musings on Truth in Public Life Or, less kindly. A policy decade cluster-fuck. The Australian Energy Market Operator has SUSPENDED the National Electricity Market across all five participating states, saying the market has become: “impossible” to operate because of the soaring cost of fossil fuels and generators withholding their capacity from the market.AEMO 2022 Tony, Scott, Barnaby, Angus... Everybody OUT…


Even if I do say so myself! August 5th 2004 - A Senator Obama addresses the Democratic Convention... I suggested he would be the next Democratic President! Here [2004] and here [2009]

John Podesta Emails

The MIT Media Lab Macro Connections group, has done some stella work on visualising network associations over their time. You should visit the Global Language Network or the Human Development Index Tree [2010] They build tools to transform data into stories. The Clinton Circle, maps emails from Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and the DNC in the United States.. Certainly topical! The data…

Costs of US Wars

An outstanding comparative analysis of the dollar "cost" of US Wars, "then and now". Apologies to [either Dirksen or Rockefeller], but certainly, once we have a trillion here, and a trillion there, "pretty soon, you're talking real money" ! We know these numbers are staggering.  Recently [late 2015], Bank of America Merrill Lynch [ BoAML ] produced analysis showing that: The…

Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.

Louis Dembitz Brandeis

The Lowy Institute Interpreter has highlighted a new video from Vox giving a simple, quick and easy breakdown of Iran's government and upcoming parliamentary elections that will be held on 26 February. They say: Often Western media portrays Iran as just another top-down dictatorship with 'no politics to speak of', but there is real ideological 'tussle' within the Islamic Republic and its complex institutions. Iran…

Australian Political Donations

Simply Outstanding Work. Australian donations to political parties visualised. Look closely at the starting state of the visualisation. Do they look like lungs to you? Of course, the phrase "tip-of-the-iceberg" comes to mind. The Political Donations visualisation website takes publically available data from the AEC and presents it in a graphical view to make visual analysis of the donations…

Age Acceleration

Profound economic, social and civil changes have provoked a remarkable series of temporally cogent observations from vastly different actors this week.  This highlights the diverse yet converging, social, academic and political recognition at the heart of public-policy challenges in the 21st century. At the CORE of future policy and an inclusive, functioning civil society, is the recognition of the centrality of good governance.…
