Google Earth Plugin Available Now For Mac OS X. The long-anticipated release of the Google Earth Plugin for the Mac has finally arrived! Mickey at Digital Earth Blog was the first to blog about it - after finding a mention of the new arrival in a forum post. The forum post noted that the plugin install requires a 47 MByte…
Category Archives Maps & Data Visualisation
New Search Capability for Google Earth Just Released. Google has just released a capability to perform searches for relevant Google Earth content based on your current view inside GE. You don't have to download a new version of GE - it works automagically with GE 4. This new search capability adds powerful capabilities and gives even greater credibility to the…
Santa Tracking with NORAD and Google Analytics. We write this blog post with what can only be described as holiday giddiness. First, we're writing it from the North Pole with the help of Santa's Elves (they are spell-checking as we write), and second, we've teamed up with NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, as well as Santa Claus himself.…
Australia Has Detailed Roads in Google Earth. At last! After months of waiting, Google has migrated the detailed road maps they had in Google Maps into the Google Earth layer for roads. A week or two ago, we had a clue this was coming when some GEB readers pointed out the driving directions were available for Australia - just no…
Rising Water Effects for NYC in Google Earth - Part II. Back in early April I shared some fun stuff a GEC member called 'Bzoltan' did which shows the effects resulting if the seas rose from 1 to up to 100 meters. I say "fun" because 100 meters is a very unlikely thing to happen, but there is certainly a…
The new features are now available in your account! Let's take a deeper look, starting with Motion Charts.. That's right, all existing accounts now have access to several of the new enterprise-class features including Advanced Segmentation, Custom Reporting, Motion Charts, and the updated UI. (If your account is brand new, you may still have a short wait before you see…
Guatemala City Sinkhole Location Found in Google Earth. A giant sinkhole (over 300 feet deep) swallowed homes and killed at least two teenagers early Friday. The disaster has been reported in the news (see MSNBC story) and apparently was caused by a clogged sewer main. There were recently rains in the area, and residents in the area had been feeling…
Global Lightning Animation for Google Earth. Received a tip from a GEB reader about some new weather data for Google Earth. The data comes from a web site called which predominantly is focused on providing global lightning data, but also has other GE weather tools. GuiWeather hopes to help people avoid lightning strike dangers by alerting them to nearby…
The Year 2008 in Google Earth. Google Earth had a great year in 2008 thanks to its continued growth in popularity, new features, and an enormous growth in new content both from Google and the people who use Google Earth. According to Google there have been over 400 Million unique installations of Google Earth since it was released in 2005.…