5x speed as the International Space Station orbited near Cyclone Debbie intensifying in the Coral Sea.
Category Archives Space
70 years ago #today in 1946, White Sands Missile Range scientists launched V-2 No. 13 & took the 1st pictures of Earth from space, 105 km up pic.twitter.com/a1hvMchR2x — NASA History Office (@NASAhistory) October 24, 2016
Yes. Genuinely EPIC. I learnt about Lagrange Points at school, never imagined I could see what the earth looked like from one of them. Is this not truly awe-inspiring? On July 20, 2015, NASA released to the world the first image of the sunlit side of Earth captured by the space agency's EPIC camera on NOAA's DSCOVR satellite. The camera…
Hearing the Universe We have detected gravitational waves. We did it. - David Reitze, executive director of LIGO At a time when reason and evidence appear under siege, and "belief" and "opinion" have a seeming privileged status in civil discourse unknown since the enlightenment, I am reminded of the words of the 17th Century Dutch Philosopher, Spinoza: The highest activity…
Innovation The term "innovation" has been embedded in Australian public policy discussions for many decades, in many domains of activity, from Education, to Science, Health, Manufacturing, Agriculture and yes, even Mining. We hear this term a lot... Unfortunately, we seem to conflate genuine innovation, [which in my view requires the interdisciplinary approach of many groups, supplemented by visionary legislative and…
It seems appropriately magnificent. From NASA: The Earth straddling the limb of the Moon, as seen from above Compton crater. Center of the Earth in this view is 4.04°N, 12.44°W, just off the coast of Liberia. The large tan area in the upper right is the Sahara desert, and just beyond is Saudia Arabia. The Atlantic and Pacific coasts of…
Awe-inspiring. A NASA camera on the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite has returned its first view of the entire sunlit side of Earth from one million miles away. The color images of Earth from NASA’s Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) are generated by combining three separate images to create a photographic-quality image. The camera takes a series of 10…