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COAG agrees to new schools reform plan. The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has agreed to develop a new schools reform plan for the 21st century, targeting disadvantaged school communities, improved teacher quality, greater accountabilities and boosting parental engagement. [School Education Headlines]

“Clueless in America”. Still digging through my stack of reading that I neglected, and this Bob Herbert column from the Times last week bubbled up. An American kid drops out of high school every 26 seconds. That[base ']Äôs more than a million every year, a sign of big trouble for these largely clueless youngsters in an era in which a…

Uni's top students choose teaching. More than half the students starting a teaching degree at one of the nation's leading universities chose a teaching career, despite having the marks to study engineering, arts, science or medicine. A survey conducted by Sydney University's education faculty shows that more than half the students training as primary school teachers scored more than 90…

Global Summit 2006 - Global Summit 2006. An intenational event hosted to engage educational leaders, thinkers and teachers to promote the strategic development of technology connected futures. Register online... [School Education Headlines]

Maplecroft Risk Analsysis Global Maps in Google Earth. Maplecroft has launched over 30 Google Earth files to complement its Global Maps series. These analyze a wide range of environmental, social, economic and political issues that impact on business and society around the world. By using Google Earth, it is now possible to view Maplecroft risk data on an interactive globe,…

Bracks rejects 'one size fits all' curriculum changes. Victorian Premier Steve Bracks says secondary school curriculum changes will be encouraged but not imposed. [ABC News: Breaking Stories] [Bill: Education - Australia]

It's Crunch Time. It's Crunch Time: Raising youth engagement and attainment. This discussion paper from the Australian Industry Group and the Dusseldorp Skills Forum [DSF] updates the picture and aims to stimulate debate and ideas on how young Australians can be better skilled and engaged. Drawing on what we know works, the paper urges more integrated policy and thinking in…
