Tag Archives Broadband

ALGA Publishes 2006 State of the Regions Report. The Australian Local Government Association [ALGA]released it's highly valuable State of the Regions Report yesterday, 27th November. The survey of Australia's 64 regions is commissioned annually by the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) from National Economics. This is the 9th survey undertaken by National Economics. Editors Note: The Central Ranges LLEN Board…

Applications for the Access to Bandwidth Pilot Project are open until 10 May 2006. The Australian Flexible Learning Framework project pilots the use of national high capacity connectivity for teaching, learning and assessment. Criteria for applicants is available from the web site. Link: Applications for Access to Bandwidth Project

All members of the LLEN should note the work of the Victorian Rural and Regional Services Development Committee and the Outer Suburban/Interface Services and Development Committee of the Parliament of Victoria. Over the past year the Central Ranges LLEN has given sworn evidence, made submissions to or assisted other groups to contribute to these three inquiries. On January 19th, 2006,…

As has been reported in May , the CRLLEN has been successful in securing 0.248 Million from the Federal Government's Community Based Demand Aggregation Broker Programme. The project is a joint partnership between the Macedon Ranges, Mitchell and Murrindindi Shires. Macedon Ranges Shire will be the lead agent. The project is the Central Ranges Community Based Demand Aggregation Broker. The…

This would be good, we just need it state and nation-wide and ALL government sectors... See: http://www.centralrangesllen.org.au/communitybroadband Pilot projects have been commissioned to investigate the possibilities of e-learning across broadband and the development of a nationally linked vocational education and training (VET) system. The Access to Bandwidth Project, an initiative of the 2005 Australian Flexible Learning Framework, is working towards a…

CNN: Tech will cause a real estate crash. Given the nature of real estate, he warned that even a drop in demand by 20 percent could cause prices to be cut in half. Nielsen said that technology would make it ever more attractive to live in small towns and rural areas, which would undermine many of the advantages currently held…
