Tag Archives Community Infrastructure

Building the education revolution. The Government has announced Building the Education Revolution, a $14.7 billion long term investment to improve the quality of facilities, like gymnasiums, libraries and science labs in Australian schools. Prime Minister of Australia, 3 February 2009. Comment: This appears to be a truly massive amount of money, I hope the expertise and coordination is equal to…

All members of the LLEN should note the work of the Victorian Rural and Regional Services Development Committee and the Outer Suburban/Interface Services and Development Committee of the Parliament of Victoria. Over the past year the Central Ranges LLEN has given sworn evidence, made submissions to or assisted other groups to contribute to these three inquiries. On January 19th, 2006,…

Those of us familiar with the changes in the UK under Tony Blairs "Education, Education, Education" world view, will recognise elements of this proposal. This will be something that we should watch very closely. In a profound and challenging move in State Education, Carolin Milburn reports in todays Saturday "Age Online" that some state schools will be closed and their…

The Australian Government 'Local Answers' program helps strengthen disadvantaged communities by funding local, small-scale, time limited projects that help communities build skills and capacity to identify opportunities and take action for the benefit of their members. Applicants should consult the Local Answers Guidelines, and ensure their application thoroughly addresses all of the relevant selection criteria to be in contention for…

As has been reported in May , the CRLLEN has been successful in securing 0.248 Million from the Federal Government's Community Based Demand Aggregation Broker Programme. The project is a joint partnership between the Macedon Ranges, Mitchell and Murrindindi Shires. Macedon Ranges Shire will be the lead agent. The project is the Central Ranges Community Based Demand Aggregation Broker. The…
