Tag Archives Data Visualisation

Ravi Parikh, in his HEAP weblog, offers some advice on "How to Lie with Data Visualization" The importance of "data-literacy" and the cautious, if not skeptical mind, cannot be over-stated in a world of 24 x7 news cycles. . Parikh offers a number of telling examples of the mis-use or abuse of data visualisation to distort or deliberately add bias…

An interesting innovation and visualisation from the APVI. The Institute comprises companies, agencies, individuals and academics with an interest in solar energy research, technology, manufacturing, systems, policies, programs and projects. The Australian Photovoltaic Institute [APVI] undertakes a range of technical, economic and social research projects on issues relevant to PV. They work with a range of other organisations and all members…

Yes. 7 Billion people represented on one web-page. The exact size of the page you see depends on the screen resolution on your computer/device, but the page is almost 1 mile (1.6 Km) high and 800 feet (250 m) wide. Have a look and ponder. http://www.7billionworld.com  

Just stunning images, with a story - Change. Watching a glacier in Columbia recede, or the systematic cultivation/de-forestation of the Amazon or even the growth of Melbourne is, at the very least fascinating. From Time Magazine's "Time Lapse" project: Spacecraft and telescopes are not built by people interested in what’s going on at home. Rockets fly in one direction: up.…

Have you ever dropped a stick in a river and wondered where it might go? For those among us either hydrologically and/or geomorphologically challenged, the new US National Atlas presents "Streamer", another excellent instalment in "Gov 2.0" initiatives. The work of policy-makers, planners, geographers and geographic information experts to visualise the complex inter-relationships between drainage basins, communities and entire nation-wide…

An incredible animation of Global transport routes. An excellent visualisation. "Welcome to the Anthropocene" is a collaborative project by some of the leading scientific research institutions on global sustainability, including Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) http://vimeo.com/40940686 'Welcome to the Anthropocene' Earth Animation from Globaïa on Vimeo. This is the animation done by Globaïa for the short film…

Are we using data effectively to address inequity in our communities? Do we really know what is going on? Are we able to make confident projections? I think not. This is from a piece I wrote back in 2008 [on a website that is no longer available] and yet I feel the same question is as relevant today as it…
