Victorian Education Minister Lynne Kosky has accused private schools of misusing federal funds to poach elite students from government schools. Link: Private schools accused of misusing federal funds.
Tag Archives Education Policy
The report thrust the Education Department into the center of the heated national debate over school choice. By Diana Jean Schemo. Link: Study of Test Scores Finds Charter Schools Lagging. [Source: NYT > Education]
More and more parents are willing to make big sacrifices to send their children to private schools. And the schools are coming up with ways to help them pay. David Rood and Chee Chee Leung explain how - and why - they do it. Link: Average income, private school.
An extra 4600 Australian students will undertake tertiary study next year, with more than half of the new places created in medical and teaching courses. Victoria is the largest beneficiary of the extra funding, securing 1326 new places, under a Federal Government plan to increase the number of university places. NSW universities are next, with 1307 extra students. Federal Education…
Kenneth Davidson reflects on the State Government's use of PPP's IT IS clear that the Bracks Government is softening up public opinion for the introduction of private funding for government schools and TAFEs, as well as other public infrastructure — even though the Government has yet to show how this form of funding offers value for money to Victorian taxpayers.…
Australia's school population will start to fall within two years as the country's declining birth rate makes an impact on enrolments, according to a new report. Link: Low birth rate to hit school enrolments.
Trying to meet the requirements of No Child Left Behind, thousands of schools are reducing class time spent on other subjects. By SAM DILLON. [NYT > Education] Link: Schools Cut Back Subjects to Push Reading and Math
The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released its report on data collected in 2004. The report states that in August 2004, there were 9,615 schools in Australia of which 6,938 were government schools and 2,677 were non-government schools. Link: Schools in Australia: Australian Bureau of Statistics Report
School children moving interstate will now be better supported by a nationally agreed system for transferring student information from one school to another. All state and territory education departments and the non-government schools sector have agreed to implement the Interstate Student Data Transfer Note (ISDTN) from January 2006. This national system will enhance the ability of the student's new school…