Tag Archives Equity

Vale Nelson Mandela. A giant of the 20th Century. "A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” "I cherish my own freedom dearly, but I care even more for your freedom"  http://www.nelsonmandela.org

Since 2000, the OECD has been evaluating the knowledge and skills of the world’s 15-year-olds through its Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test. According to the OECD, PISA results reveal what is possible in education by showing what students in the highest-performing and most rapidly improving education systems can do. More than 510,000 students in 65 economies took part…

For those living and working in rural areas, the importance of providing genuine pathways to skilled employment for local populations, particularly young-people, is paramount. We understand in great detail, the challenges of ageing rural populations and structural adjustments. This is more than just a "microcosm" of the challenges facing our national economy. Working in the field of skills development, labour…

Those interested in the public policy [and community] issues of rural and regional Australia will be interested in the excellent work of the Regional Australia Institute. From their site: We run a tightly focused research agenda, improving the quality of and access to knowledge on how we can ensure the prosperity and sustainability of Australia’s regions, and our nation as…

At a time when Gender equity is so prominent in much media coverage, both within Australia and across the Globe, it is also sobering to consider the structural challenges faced by girls entering the workforce and adult-hood for the first time here in Victoria. This graph shows Vet is Schools [VETiS] enrolments for Girls as a ratio of the Boys…

Vale Jack Keating. A teacher, colleague, mentor and friend; Jack, you will be missed. Those that have had anything to do with post-compulsory education in Victoria, Australia or around the world, will understand the loss to our field. Thank you Jack. Lector si monumentum requiris circumspice   Links: Vale Jack Keating - The Australian 24th July 2012 Vale Jack Keating…

Those in Australia interested in the debate about education, equity and long-term social mobility within societies would benefit from reviewing the latest from the Sutton Trust. It is interesting to place the work of the Gonksi Review in the context of this discussion. My thoughts on Gonski can also be found here. A very soggy Gonski [as predicted] Current [and somewhat…

Are we using data effectively to address inequity in our communities? Do we really know what is going on? Are we able to make confident projections? I think not. This is from a piece I wrote back in 2008 [on a website that is no longer available] and yet I feel the same question is as relevant today as it…

Yes, a lame play on words, but still, the Gonski report - [Australian Government review of Funding for Schooling] could be considered a new "Aussie Pizza". Lot's of toppings, everyone has their own unique version, everyone would recognise one if they saw it, but no-one is sure that they can agree on what the "real" aussie pizza is. Of course,…
