Tag Archives Geography


Yes, 95% of Earth’s living space is underwater. Most at depths with no light and near freezing temperatures. Thanks to Seth Dixon for the original post. Links XKCD.com Seth Dixon The Smithsonian Institution Challenger Deep Kola Borehole [ Deepest Hole ever drilled]

GeoScience Australia

Well, if you live in Australia, then don't worry, you might be about 1.5 metres "off". A team from GEOSCIENCE Australia are about to recalculate the nation's latitude and longitude coordinates, which are currently out by more than 1.5 metres. Australia sits on the fastest moving continental tectonic plate in the world, thus coordinates measured in the past continue changing over…


Its not a long time, twenty-five years. ESRI [ @Esri ] has produced some excellent comparative analyses of Human activities that are reshaping the Earth's surface using 1990 Landsat imagery [left] and Esri’s World Imagery basemap [right] Links LandSat Comparison - Story Map ESRI Story Maps LandSat

The telegeography group do some great maps. These two remind us of the very tenuous links that are in fact the basis of all of Australia's modern communication and much of its commerce. SubmarineCable.com A 'new" ancient map As much economic and perhaps cultural connections too. The VOX published a great piece earlier last month relating the modern cables to…

Just stunning images, with a story - Change. Watching a glacier in Columbia recede, or the systematic cultivation/de-forestation of the Amazon or even the growth of Melbourne is, at the very least fascinating. From Time Magazine's "Time Lapse" project: Spacecraft and telescopes are not built by people interested in what’s going on at home. Rockets fly in one direction: up.…

Have you ever dropped a stick in a river and wondered where it might go? For those among us either hydrologically and/or geomorphologically challenged, the new US National Atlas presents "Streamer", another excellent instalment in "Gov 2.0" initiatives. The work of policy-makers, planners, geographers and geographic information experts to visualise the complex inter-relationships between drainage basins, communities and entire nation-wide…

The weight of water behind a 500-foot dam in China may have triggered the massive magnitude 7.9 earthquake in May that killed more than 70,000 people. Link: Man-Made Dam May Have Triggered Great China Quake.
