Tag Archives Global Growth

The Lowy Institute Interpreter has highlighted a new video from Vox giving a simple, quick and easy breakdown of Iran's government and upcoming parliamentary elections that will be held on 26 February. They say: Often Western media portrays Iran as just another top-down dictatorship with 'no politics to speak of', but there is real ideological 'tussle' within the Islamic Republic and its complex institutions. Iran…

Confirmation bias, idealogical/doctrinaire policy "imperatives" or good-old special interests are all part of what contributes to our sense of progress in the human condition. Max Roser is a James Martin Fellow researching income inequality and inclusive growth at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford Martin School. Roser asks the question: Is it actually true that we are building a better…

Book - Limits of Growth

[Source: Club of Rome] I was a school student when this first Club of Rome Report was widely heralded. I was in University studying Geography, History, Literature and Politics when I looked closely at its research and findings. I was teaching when the "20 year old" report was critiqued as flawed and plain wrong. As Limits to Growth concluded in 1972:…

Yes. 7 Billion people represented on one web-page. The exact size of the page you see depends on the screen resolution on your computer/device, but the page is almost 1 mile (1.6 Km) high and 800 feet (250 m) wide. Have a look and ponder. http://www.7billionworld.com  

A fascinating photo-essay in the current The Atlantic, featuring Reuters photographer Carlos Barria's amazing shots, recreating the same framing and perspective as a photograph taken in 1987, showing what a difference 26 years can make in the life of a city. Follow the links to see the full animation on the Reuters website. Links The Atlantic - 26 Years of Growth:…

The OECD has published a series of country notes that assesses progress that countries have made in responding to Going for Growth policy recommendations since 2011. It identifies and discusses new priority areas where structural reforms are needed to lift growth across OECD and BRIICS countries. The Australian country note is below.

Another very nice piece of work visualising data. Visualizing.org is displaying some animated age-pyramids that tell a unique story of the challenges of growth in the coming decades.       From the site: On October 31, 2011, demographers at the United Nations reported that the earth’s population had reached 7 billion. That number marks an increase of 1 billion in…
