At a time when it appears revealed truths, beliefs and opinions are increasingly privileged in public and political debate,there was always Hans... Vale, Hans Rosling Links The ignorance project GapMinder Tools
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Yes. 7 Billion people represented on one web-page. The exact size of the page you see depends on the screen resolution on your computer/device, but the page is almost 1 mile (1.6 Km) high and 800 feet (250 m) wide. Have a look and ponder.
Those interested in the public policy [and community] issues of rural and regional Australia will be interested in the excellent work of the Regional Australia Institute. From their site: We run a tightly focused research agenda, improving the quality of and access to knowledge on how we can ensure the prosperity and sustainability of Australia’s regions, and our nation as…
Telepresence has taken many forms over the years, Education, Health, Emergency services have all experimented with various iterations and combinations of form-factors and bandwidth. I have been involved in many promising, yet ultimately doomed trials and implementations. The team at Double Robotics appear to have something genuinely innovative, well designed and most importantly, practical. Combining the mobile utility of a…
Are we using data effectively to address inequity in our communities? Do we really know what is going on? Are we able to make confident projections? I think not. This is from a piece I wrote back in 2008 [on a website that is no longer available] and yet I feel the same question is as relevant today as it…
The impact of podcasting and voice technologies on global e-learning practice is the focus of Edition 10 of The Knowledge Tree: an e-Journal of Learning Innovation. Published by the national training system's e-learning strategy, the 2005-2006 Australian Flexible Learning Framework (Framework), Edition 10 contains contributions from voice specialists who discuss the latest innovations and their applications for education and training.…
More than 1200 'learning objects' drawn from Toolbox materials designed to support the delivery of vocational and technical education (VTE) qualifications are now available for download from a new repository. The Toolbox Learning Object Repository is a searchable database of 'learning objects' that has been made available by the Flexible Learning Toolbox Project of the national training system's e-learning strategy,…
As has been reported in May , the CRLLEN has been successful in securing 0.248 Million from the Federal Government's Community Based Demand Aggregation Broker Programme. The project is a joint partnership between the Macedon Ranges, Mitchell and Murrindindi Shires. Macedon Ranges Shire will be the lead agent. The project is the Central Ranges Community Based Demand Aggregation Broker. The…
This would be good, we just need it state and nation-wide and ALL government sectors... See: Pilot projects have been commissioned to investigate the possibilities of e-learning across broadband and the development of a nationally linked vocational education and training (VET) system. The Access to Bandwidth Project, an initiative of the 2005 Australian Flexible Learning Framework, is working towards a…