Tag Archives Public Data


GDELT is the largest, most comprehensive, and highest resolution open database of human society ever created. Yes, REALLY Big! GDELT is 100 percent free, with the entire dataset available for immediate download and a set of tools available to work with it. Creating a platform that monitors the world's news media from nearly every corner of every country in print, broadcast,…

The Guardian - Vaccination Simulations

The vaccination "debate" continues/exists. I checked, it is February 2015. This is the 21st century [by most calendars] Another outstanding contribution to the public-health policy debate [sadly] by the Guardian US interactive team of Rich Harris, Nadja Popovich and Kenton Powell  Reason and the public good appear less a component of modern society than I was aware. In response to those that wish to open…

Confirmation bias, idealogical/doctrinaire policy "imperatives" or good-old special interests are all part of what contributes to our sense of progress in the human condition. Max Roser is a James Martin Fellow researching income inequality and inclusive growth at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford Martin School. Roser asks the question: Is it actually true that we are building a better…

There are more than 1,200 active satellites orbiting earth right now, taking pictures, relaying communications, broadcasting locations, spying on you, and even housing humans.   A database compiled by the Union of Concerned Scientists allowed David Yanofsky and Tim Fernholz to produce a stunning visualisation. Links Every Satellite - qr.com Union of Concerned Scientists Satellite Database

Yes, a repeat from WhaleSongServices, but I think it is worth it. I am proud to be a part of the launch of Data + Design @DataDesignBook. A free, open source e-book made by 50+ contributors from around the world!! For anyone and everyone that has ever struggled with making data accessible, struggled to use evidence to improve planning or simply grappled with the best way…

Ravi Parikh, in his HEAP weblog, offers some advice on "How to Lie with Data Visualization" The importance of "data-literacy" and the cautious, if not skeptical mind, cannot be over-stated in a world of 24 x7 news cycles. . Parikh offers a number of telling examples of the mis-use or abuse of data visualisation to distort or deliberately add bias…

Those interested in the public policy [and community] issues of rural and regional Australia will be interested in the excellent work of the Regional Australia Institute. From their site: We run a tightly focused research agenda, improving the quality of and access to knowledge on how we can ensure the prosperity and sustainability of Australia’s regions, and our nation as…
