Tag Archives Public policy

In the week that we noted the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, I can't say I ever imagined I would find myself combining the thoughts of Papa Francesco [the Catholic Pope] in his second encyclical letter [LAUDATO SI’] and the assessment of "Mordy Pressing" - Australian Immigration Policy Interpreter and his views on the new sliding scale of ethics. Yet here…

Two variations-on-a-theme: The first comes from our own Clarke & Dawe. Corey Doctorow reminded me of this earlier in the week. The debt crisis in 2010 https://youtu.be/I5QwKEwo4Bc   The second comes from US Senator Elizabeth Warren [ @SenWarren ] speaking at the Re/code conference this past Tuesday.  During a question and answer session, a voter asked why politicians aren't building infrastructure or implementing other policy that…


GDELT is the largest, most comprehensive, and highest resolution open database of human society ever created. Yes, REALLY Big! GDELT is 100 percent free, with the entire dataset available for immediate download and a set of tools available to work with it. Creating a platform that monitors the world's news media from nearly every corner of every country in print, broadcast,…

Confirmation bias, idealogical/doctrinaire policy "imperatives" or good-old special interests are all part of what contributes to our sense of progress in the human condition. Max Roser is a James Martin Fellow researching income inequality and inclusive growth at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford Martin School. Roser asks the question: Is it actually true that we are building a better…

John Oliver helping us through the biggest public policy question of all-time.. Beginning with: 1. Do owls exist? 2. Are there hats? http://youtu.be/cjuGCJJUGsg Links: The White House - Climate Change CSIRO - Climate Change and Adaptation Neighbours - Climate - Behaviour 330 and Counting Six Decades of a Warming Earth Are you Hot enough yet? Hot, Hotter, Hottest
