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For those living and working in rural areas, the importance of providing genuine pathways to skilled employment for local populations, particularly young-people, is paramount. We understand in great detail, the challenges of ageing rural populations and structural adjustments. This is more than just a "microcosm" of the challenges facing our national economy. Working in the field of skills development, labour…

The National Quality Council has identified five Action Groups to work on achieving 5 priorities for 2009. They are: Vet Products for the 21st Century, Quality of Assessment Action Group, Skills for Sustainability Action Group, International VET Action Group, and National Consistency Action Group. National Quality Council agrees on priorities.

More Australians seeking qualifications. More Australians have been seeking higher educational qualifications, with the largest increase being in Bachelor Degrees, according to figures recently released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Nearly 2.5 million people (18% of all Australians aged 15-64) were enrolled in a course of study as at May 2007. The proportion with a non-school qualification (such as…

The knowledge drought intensifies. Australia’s advancement as a society will continue to be hampered by our poor esteem for knowledge. [Source: On Line Opinion]

This NCVER report is about employers and how they value and use qualifications in their business decisions. The research indicates clear differences in the value placed on and use made of qualifications by employers for different groups of workers and occupations. Qualifications are considered more important for higher-level occupations and employers use them predominantly to recruit new employees and to…
